Patchogue - Historic Buildings & Structures
See also "L.I. -- Patchogue -- Historic Buildings" vertical files
Note: Though Society for the Preservation of Long Island Antiquities' SPLIA Historic Structure, Building-Structure, Historic and Natural District, & Archeological Site Inventories were conducted for East Patchogue, North Patchogue, and Medford (as well as nearby Bayport, Blue Point, Bellport and Brookhaven, and across L.I.), no inventory was conducted of the village of Patchogue, itself, though one is under some consideration.
-- Ackerly Building [or Block] [83 East Main Street; immediately west of the Congregational Church built in 1924]
- "Ackerly Building Progresses Rapidly." Patchogue Advance, August 14, 1924: p. 2.
- "Business Block at Patchogue Sold." Newsday, November 13, 1945: p. 3.
- LaMonica, Barbara. "Ackerly Building Takes on a Bright New Look." Long Island Advance, July 20, 1989: p. 4.
-- [George M.] Ackerly Block [42 S. Ocean Avenue, West side, N. of Terry Street]
-- Algonquin Restaurant [N.E. corner of 561 S. Ocean Avenue & Smith Street]
-- Antique Clock [54-60 E. Main St., manufactured by Bulova' in front of Patchogue-Medford Library]
- "Antique Clock Drive Started by Chamber." Long Island Advance, July 12, 1979: p. 2 A.
- Martens, J. Gladwish. "The Case of Patchogue's Tall Case Clock." Long Island Heritage, April 1982: p. 3.
-- Avery Homestead [East Patchogue, NY]
- Leuzzi, Linda. "Many Supporters, An Ambivalent Owner." Long Island Advance, April 4, 2019: p.1, 7.
- Leuzzi, Linda. "A Start On The Road To Preservation." Long Island Advance, October 15, 2020: p. 1, 5.
- MacGowan, Carl. "Landmark Purchase - Brookhaven, County Developing Plan To Buy 1700s Property." Newsday, December 15, 2020: p. A17
- Leuzzi, Linda. "Exploring Possibility Of A Barn Exhibit." Long Island Advance, May 13, 2021: p. 1, 7.
- Leuzzi, Linda. "Avery Homestead Is County Acquisition Priority." Long Island Advance, October 21, 2021: pp. 1,3
- Leuzzi, Linda. "Pushing A Happy (Historic) Ending." Long Island Advance, December 29, 2022: pp. 1,4
- Leuzzi, Linda. "Perhaps An Avery Closing In August." Long Island Advance, May 18, 2023: pp. 1, 9.
- Leuzzi, Linda. "Avery Property is Saved." Long Island Advance, August 24, 2023: pp. 1, 3.
- Spangler, Nicholas. "Suffolk, Town Buy Historic Parcel To Preserve It." Newsday, September 2, 2023: p. A10.
- "More County Money For Avery Homestead." Long Island Advance, May 23, 2024: p. 9.
- Leuzzi, Linda. "County Money For Avery Park Property Will Aid Dilapidated House." Long Island Advance, May 30, 2024: p. 5.
-- Edwin Bailey, Jr. House
- "Residence of Supervisor Edwin Bailey, Jr." Argus, July 1, 1898: [n.p.]
-- Baker Homestead [Baker St., next to Village Hall]
-- Bandshell [replica of 1964-65 World's Fair bandshell; demolished, 2006]
-- Dr. [?] Barber House [s.w. corner of Rider Ave. and E. Main St.]
- "April 1950. Dr. Barber's House, southwest corner of Rider Avenue and East Main Street in Patchogue. James De Vito, standing on front porch, owner of Patchogue Van Lines, , moving Dr. Barber out of the house that will become the Sears Building and later NAPA Auto Parts, sight of the recent collapse due to NEMO" [captioned photo] (From the Archives of the Long Island Advance). Long Island Advance, March 13, 2013: p. 17.
-- Bartlett House [wood frame hotel; W. Main St., immediately W. of Swezey & Newins, ca. 1900, demolished, 1941?]
- "Bailey and Bartlett." Suffolk County News, October 7, 1893: p. 3. - Edwin Bailey & Robert S. Bartlett get into a fight.
- "The famous gelding, Island Boy, has been sold by John Bayles, a local horseman, to Robert S. Bartlett, proprietor of the Bartlett House for $1,250...." Suffolk County News, May 27, 1898: p. 2.
- "Robert S. Bartlett" (Obituary). South Side Signal, September 12, 1913: p. 4.
- "Bartlett House Sold." The County Review, May 1, 1914: p. 11. -- "...sold by the estate of Robert S. Bartlett to Benjamin T. Graham, of Brooklyn..."
- [Automobile accident.] Suffolk County News, December 25, 1914: p. 2. -- Benjamin Graham was "catapulted over the windshield" of Edward Weeks' car, when it hit a Pierce Arrow head on, as the latter made a sudden sharp turn. But, Graham was not injured.
- "Former Supervisor Samuel F. Robinson has bought the Bartlett House property at Patchogue of Benjamin Gtraham, taking possession last Thursday." The County Review, June 25, 1915: p. 2.
- "The old Bartlett House here has been closed by Samuel F. Robinson, the former Supervisor, who has moved to East Patchogue. This has for many years been one of Long Island's famous bars" (Patchogue). Suffolk County News, January 16, 1920: p. 2.
- "Horatio M. Pope...took a lease on the old Bartlett House on West Main Street and will conduct billiard and pool parlors down stairs and rent the upstairs rooms to lodgers." Suffolk County News, January 30, 1920: p. 3.
- "The old Bartlett House property in Patchogue was sold by former Supervisor Samuel B, Robinson to Max Kollner, proprietor of the Public Market." Suffolk County News, March 24, 1922: p. 2.
- "Peltz Brothers to Move to New Location." County Review, January 5, 1923: p. 7. -- Women's & children's clothiers, lease and move from S. Ocean Ave. to Bartlett House.
- "Benjamin Tripp Graham, formerly of the Bartlett House, Patchogue, died on May 27th at his home in Brooklyn, He went to Patchogue about eight years ago and conducted the Bartlett House for about three years." Suffolk County News, June 9, 1922: p. 2.
- "Max a member of the firm Peltz Bros., who have leased the property...formerly known as Bartlett House, and are having the building remodeled and they will soon move their rapidly growing business to the new location." County Review, February 9, 1923: p. 5.
- "For Rent. Two Floors with 12 furnished bedrooms suitable for an up-to-date boarding house, located on Main Street, formerly Bartlett House. Rent Reasonable. Inquire Peltz Dept. Store, Patchogue, L.I." County Review, March 21, 1924: p. 8.
- "Last Tuesday forenoon we stood on Main Street, Patchogue, watching the new brick front being put up near the corner of North Ocean Avenue. Just then Howard Roe happened along and wanted to know if we were looking for "Bob" Bartlett's place? It seems that the merchants of Patchogue favor having a rest room somewhere near the center of the village, and that reminded us that the late Robert Bartlett's comfort station was an appreciated feature of his new hotel. Like the rest of the premises, it was spotless. Mr. Bartlett was at first located in the building that now sports a new brick front. The Board of Excise demurred at renewing his license on the ground that 'he did not keep a hotel', so he built the Bartlett House, next door. Cleanliness became a mania with the proprietor, in fact the premises were so immaculate that the patrons felt restrained.The old place with its sawdust floor , and smoky walls and ceiling was far more comfortable." Patchogue Advance, July 25, 1930: p. 14.
- "'John Roe,' as Mr. Smith [John Roe Smith] was best known, owned a Patchogue Block of three stores with six apartments above. We happened to be in the Bartlett House the day he offered to deed the property to anyone who would pay him $150 a monthas long as he, John Roe, lived. 'Bob' Bartlett walked right across the street and the late Timothy M. Griffing drew up the papers--providing for what might be called a pension, that the recipient was destined to enjoy for nearly 20 years. He had no children; his brother, the Hon. Charles Riley Smith, has passed along, and Othneil, the other brother, was thrifty, so no relative was really in need of dead men's shoes." Patchogue Advance, November 4, 1932: p. 10.
- "John Lund has leased the Bartlett House and re-christened it the Lundhurst, which he will condust as a year round roming and boarding house." Sag Harbor Express and the News and the Corrector, April 7, 1933: p. 3.
- "A piazza modeled by Architect Overington, is being built in front of the Bartlett House by Coleman and Simpson." Patchogue Advance, November 30, 1934: p. 4.
- "The Bartlett House has ben leased by the owner, Samuel T. Robinson, to Horatio Pope, formerly agent of the United Cigar store. Mr. Pope will open a cigar store and billiard establishment on the first floor and use the other rooms for lodgers." Patchogue Advance, January 18, 1935: p. 4.
- "Two Modern Stores to Replace the Old Bartlett Hotel Unit." Patchogue Advance, November 6, 1936: p. 1.
- "Max Peltz has takn a ten-year lease on the former Bartlett House property on West Main Street and after alterations are completed will move his store there from South Ocean Avenue." Patchogue Advance, November 12, 1937: p. 10.
- "Gilded Place of the Past: Oldsters Recall Bartlett House (as told to Dwight Schoeffler by Joseph T. Losee and Jerome W. Ackerly). [?], January 13, 1949: [n.p.].
-- "Brightwood" [S. Ocean Avenue, on E. Shore of Patchogue River; built on large estate of Kate L. Gilbert]
-- Brookhaven Town Hall (1901-2003) [S. Ocean Ave. & Baker St.]
-- Canfield House [East Main St., just W. of Medford Ave.; actually the Edwards or Tiger Family-John S, Havens- John J. Craven-James
A. Canfield-Tuthill Family Homestead-WW II U.S.O.-Patchogue Elks Lodge; demolished 2001]
-- Caranicus House [29 Maiden Lane]
-- Carnegie Library [10 Lake Street; built, 1907-08, occupied by Patchogue Library (1908-1971), Patchogue
-Medford Library, 1973-1981; then by Briarcliffe College, 1981-1998; abandoned, 1998-2012; restored to
Patchogue-Medford Library, and moved in 2012 to W. of Sixth District Court parking lot, W. Main St. & West Ave.]
See also Sixth District Court (below)
-- Case Homestead [E. Main St., near Case Ave., roughly opposite Evergreen Ave.]
-- Cliffton Hotel / House [huge, near foot of Bay Ave,]
-- Clinton Rink-Old Lyceum Building [E. side of S. Ocean Ave., N. of Terry St., built 1885; originally faced E.-W.; later
turned accommodate shops below, apartments above, Old Lyceum continuing to sometime around 1893]
-- Colby Cottage / House & Cow Barn [Baker St.; later S. side of Smith St., E. of S. Ocean Ave.; became historical
society property; moved to Patchogue Beach Club, 2001; later, Ice Cream Parlor]
-- Congregational Church of Patchogue [E. Main St.; latest of several locations]
-- DeFillipo House [built 1892; moved from Railroad Ave. to Taylor Lane, in 2006, to make way for Copper Beech
Village Apartments]
-- Ehman House [300 Medford Ave.]
-- Fishel Building [W. Main St.; destroyed by fire, 1956]
-- Gas Lamp [street lamp]
-- Gateway Plaza
-- Granada Theatre
See Sixth District Court (below)
-- Halcyon Manor [hotel; 380 Bay Ave.; adult care facility]
-- Hammond & Mills Bldg. [See Mills Building]
-- Hart's Tavern [Gilbert Hart owned a house, no longer extant, on W. Main St., believed to be just W. of the Rice
Cemetery in the Lakeview Cemetery complex according to the 1790 U.S. Census, where, also according to the
diary entry on April 22nd, 1790, of newly minted first U.S. President George Washington, he had lunch en route
from Sagtikos Manor (BayShore), through Coram, to Roe's Tavern (Setauket), where he spent the night; during
his whirlwind tour of Long Island, during an escape from the pressures of precedent-setting decision-making (of
which he was acutely and painfully conscious), and from hordes of office and favor seekers.]
-- S.A. Hawkins House [corner of Main St. & Havens Ave.; also, at different times a hardware store, cigar store (replete
with wooden Indian), oyster bar, and Chinese laundry; prior to its abandonment; largely destroyed by fire and
demolished in 1991]
-- Flora Mae Hicks House [info. missing]
-- Holzer Building [E. side of S. Ocean Ave., abutting LIRR tracks; original Patchogue High School site; constructed 1938]
-- Charles Zebulon Howell House [172 East Main St., built 1889, by Emerson Terrell; demolished?; site of what later
became the Patchogue P.O.]
-- Eva Howland House [24 Gerard St.; moved to Maple Ave., off Main St., in August, 1985; to make room for an
office building at prior location]
-- Judge Walter H. Jaycox House [E. Main St.]
-- Jennings House [396 W. Main St.]
-- Howard Johnson House [E. Main St. & Potter Ave.; yes, the restaurant/hotel chain owner's house; demolished, 1951,
with little concern, and his consent]
-- Ketcham Homestead-Lossee House [E. Main St.; demolished 1960]
-- Knickerbocker Ice House [Corner of Rider Ave. & Academy St., near LIRR tracks; built ca. 1894; burned to ground,
November 1984; demolished 1997]
-- Knights of Columbus Hall [former location, S. side of Academy St.,built 1930; now VFW Hall; was originally part of
the rear wing of the earliest Patchogue High School Building]
-- A. Lambert & Co. Bldg. [info. missing]
-- Losee House [69 Roe Blvd. W.]
-- C.T. Lowndes House [225 E. Main St.]
-- [New] Lyceum Theatre [N. side of Lake St., just W. of Reeses 1900; former location of Congregational Church,
incorporating part of that bldg.; replaced by two buildings; today's Lake St. Apartments]
-- [Old] Lyceum Theatre
See Clinton Rink-Old Lyceum Building [above]
-- Masonic Temple [North side of W. Main St., just W. of the Patchogue Bank, then Island State Bank; burned down, 1974]
-- Mills Building [S.E. corner, Main St. & Ocean Ave. (4 Corners); later Hammond & Mills, after Fremont Hammond and
Jesse C. Mills, Sr., then Jr.; Jesse Sr. was the owner]
-- Municipal Pool & Admin. Bldg. [South of Maiden Lane, just east of foot of Cedar Avenue; Opened, 1933, closed
1987; admin. bldg. demolished, 1989; replaced by "Old Museum Building" moved from 560 S. Ocean Ave., 2001;
new bldg., included new pool manager's office, first aid station, bathrooms and changing facilities, rendering it no
longer a museum]
-- Murals
-- New York Telephone Co. [S. Ocean Ave., 1918]
-- Newins Paviilion [base of Bay Avenue, next to Cliffton Hotel]
-- 100 N. Ocean Ave [Granati dental office]
-- Octagonal House [Ocean Avenue, later moved to Maple Avenue]
-- Old Museum Building [560 S. Ocean Ave.; later moved to Beach Club S. of Maiden Lane]
See also Municipal Pool (above)
-- Nathaniel & Tabitha ("Aunt Tappy") Overton House [site, E. Main Street, immediately east of Emanuel Lutheran Church]
- Maher, John. "'Aunt Tappy's House Razed: Patchogue Landmark Gone." [?], [n.d.]: [n.p.] -- house was over 100 years old at the time of its demolition
-- New York Telephome Co. [Originally in Mills Building, later moved to S. Ocean Avenue, next to Methodist Church]
-- E.R. Van Nostrand House [foot of Bay Ave.; burned to the ground, July 1949]
-- Pape House [106 Jayne Avenue]
-- Patchogue Hotel [East Main St. & Maple Avenue]
-- Patchogue Village Hall [14 Baker Street]
-- Patchogue Village Jail ("Hangover House") [Lake St., behind old firehouse; 2-cell brick building, demolished, ca. 1964]
-- Post Office (U.S. Postal Service) [East Main St.]
-- Austin/Justus Roe's Tavern [northeast corner of 4 Corners; built ca. 1796, by former Setauket Spy Ring courier]
-- Roe Block [East Main St.]
-- G.G. Roe Block [east side of S. Ocean Ave., between Main and Terry Sts.]
-- G[elston].G. Roe House [E. Main St.]
-- John J. Roe Homestead [131 East Main St., built in 1867 by "Deacon Edwards"; demolished in 1972]
-- Justus Roe House [46 East Main St.; later Nichols Hotel; later W.T. Grants, then Patchogue-Medford Library ]
-- Mille Roe Mansion [East Main St.]
-- Nettie Roe House [south side of East Main St., just west of Rider Avenue]
-- Roe's Bicycle Park [Maple Avenue, between Roe Avenue and Chestnut St.]
-- Roe Court [East Main St., immediately west of Patchogue-Medford Library]
-- Roe's Hotel [on site of Blum's, north side of East Main St.]
-- Shand's [West Main St., long a popular general store; John S. Haven's general store in 1860s, then Brickhouse Brewery, now Shands General restaurant]
-- Siegel Bros. [vicinity of Waverly Park, Mill Pond, and West Ave.]
-- Sixth District Court [West Ave. & West Main St.; on former site of Granada Theatre; Carnegie Library moved next
to the courthouse, in 2012]
-- John Roe Smith Block [32 West Main St.; 4 times site of Patchogue Library (between 1883-1902): twice under
Patchogue Library Association, once as Sorosis' demonstration public library; then as a public library]
-- Micah Smith House [near the foot of S. Ocean Avenue; built in 1812, by the father of the 4 (Smith) Sisters]
-- S.S. Smith House [225 East Main St.]
-- Smith-Rourke House [Main Street; vernacular Greek revival house, built 1837]
-- Steven Smith's Blacksmith Shop [Roe Court; built ca. 1890, destroyed by fire August 1939]
-- South Bay Yacht Club [on Patchogue Bay]
-- 76 South Country Road [East Patchogue]
-- 408 South Ocean Avenue [reputedly built in the 1890s, destroyed by fire in Sept. 1986]
-- South Side Signal Co. [90 W. Main St., built in 1869; moved to 73 W. Main St in Dec. 1990]
-- 503 South Ocean Avenue [built in 1880's; Architectural Review Board stayed its razing in 2011]
-- Rear Admiral Sumner-C. Vrooman Mansion-Brundage School [south side of E. Main St.]
-- Swan River Mill [East Patchogue]
-- Swan River Schoolhouse [31 Roe Avenue]
-- Swezey & Newins Building (later Sweezey's) [northwest corner of the Four Corners]
- Fuentes, Nicole. "Old Swezey's Bell To Be Displayed In Pocket Park." Long Island Advance, April 27, 2023: p. 3.
-- E.H. Terry Gristmill [also Patchogue's first electric lighting source, in 1887; arc lights scared horses]
-- Terry Family House [on West Ave., where it turns, going north from W. Main St.]
-- Beatrice Tucker House [101 Rider Avenue; built in 1906]
-- Union Savings Bank [west side of South Ocean Ave., north of Church St.; defunct, once a leading Patchogue institution]
-- E.R. Van Nostrand House [foot of Grove Avenue; destroyed by fire in July, 1949]
-- 1911 Water Tower [torn down in 1993]
-- Wedgewood Building [W. Main St.]
-- Flora Wicks House [15 Wiggins Avenue; earlier site of a local boat-building]
-- George S. Youngling House [Maiden Lane]