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- Historical Overviews
- Children's History of PML
- Historic Periods
- Patchogue Library Assn., 1883-1900
- Sorosis Library, 1900
- Early Public Library, 1900-1914
- Carnegie Negotiations, 1903-1908
- Custead Era, 1914-1945
- Wiggins Era, 1945-1952
- Phipps Era, 1952-1984
- Courant Era, 1984-1990
- Gibbard Era, 1990-2008
- Chrils Era, 2008-2012
- Nichols Era, 2013-2016
- Paisley Era, 2017-Present
- Chronology
- Directories
- Images
- Haunts (Library Locations)
- Walking Tour of Library History