Patchogue - Associations

Associations & Government Agencies  (Patchogue, NY)

--  American Legion.  Post # 269

  • Dumas, Edward.  "American Legion Post Needs Help for Cannons." Long Island Advance, June 30, 1986:  p. 18. 
  • Dumas, Edward.  "Cannon Restoration Continues."  Long Island Advance, August 25, 1988:  [n.p.].
  • Dumas, Edward.  "Volunteers Begin Work on American Legion Cannons" (Special Feature).  Long Island Advance, [n.d.]:  [n.p.].
  • "35 Years Ago, August 15, 1919" (Notes from the Advance Files).  Patchogue Advance, August 12, 1954:  [n.p.].
  • "50 Years Ago" (From the Archives of the Long Island Advance).  Long Island Advance, February 5, 2004:  p. 23.
  • "75 Years Ago" (From the Archives of the Long Island Advance).  Long Island Advance, June 10, 2004:  p.  29.
  • Hanson, Harry T.  History of Post # 268.  [Patchogue, NY:  The Author & the Post, 1990].  2 p.
  • "Legion Post, a Sprightly 70, Ambitiously Looks Forward."  Main Street Press, April 5, 1989:  pp. 1, [4-5].
  • "Patchogue Legion Membership is Presently at 70-Year High, Part Two (Continued from Last Week)."  Main Street Press, April 12, 1989:  pp. 3, 7.
  • [Pino, Peter.]  Patchogue Post No. 269, American Legion.  [Patchogue, NY:  The Author & the Post, ca. 1979.]  6 p. 
  • "Service Men Make Big Hit in Show:  'Over and Back' Scores Here and at Camp Upton:  American Legion Members Display Talent in Show Comprising Wide Variety of Acts -- A Financial Success." Patchogue Advance, April 9, 1920:  p. 1.
  • Fuentes, Nicole.  "New American Legion Post Commander."  Long Island Advance, June 9, 2022:  p. 3.

 --  Benevolent Protective Order of Elks.  Patchogue Lodge No. 1323

  • A History and Souvenir Program of Patchogue Lodge No. 1323 B.P.O.E. Fair and Carnival, August 12th to 19th, 1916 [full text]  (Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.  Patchogue Lodge No. 1323; Patchogue-Medford Library.  Celia M. Hastings Local History Room)  

 --  Daughters of the American Revolution.  Colonel Josiah Smith Chapter, Patchogue, NY

 --  Dress for Success, Inc.

 --  Economic Opportunity Council of Suffolk, Inc.

 --  Foresters of America.  Court Advance, No. 159

  • "Court Advance, No. 159, Foresters of America, Instituted February 24, 1891."  Argus, July 1, 1898:  n.p.

 --  Francis Nugent Drum Corps

  • Mulford, Henry.  "Patchogue's First Orchestra."  Patchogue Advance, [November 3, 1936]:  n.p. 

-- Friends Of Lakeview Cemeteries

 --  Grand Army of the Republic.  Richard J. Clark Post, No. 210  [Civil War Union Veterans]

  • "Richard J. Clark Post, No. 210, G.A.R., the Oldest Institution of Its Kind in Suffolk County."  Argus, July 1, 1898:  n.p.
  • "Richard Clark Post, Grand Army of the Republic:  Patchogue Area Civil War Veterans, ca. 1908" [captioned photo, PowerPoint slide, courtesy of the Suffolk Maritime Museum and Patchogue-Medford Library Local History Room]

 --  Greater Patchogue Chamber of Commerce  (successor to the Patchogue Board of Trade)

 --  Greater Patchogue Foundation, Inc.

 --  Greater Patchogue Historical Society

 --  Incorporated Village of Patchogue (N.Y.)

 --  Independent Oder of Odd Fellows.  Brookhaven Lodge, No. 80 (Patchogue, N.Y.)

  • "Brookhaven Lodge, No. 80, I.O.O.F. -- The Oldest Secret Society in Patchogue."  Argus, July 1, 1898:  n.p.
  • Records, 1855-1873, 3 vols.  -- Held as part of the collection of the Brookhaven (N.Y. : Town) Historian.  Contact Barbara Russell, Brookhaven Town Historian, for further information.

 --  Junior Order United American Mechanics.  Farragut Council No. 54

 --  Kiwanis Club of Patchogue

 --  Knights of Columbus.  Patchogue Council No. 725

  • "Big Euchre and Dance..." (From the Archives of the Long Island Advance:  100 Years Ago).  Long island Advance, February 12, 2004:  p. 22.
  • "Charity Work is a Core Value:  Patchogue Knights of Columbus Celebrate 105 Years of Giving."  Long Island Advance, June 19, 2008:  pp. 9, 27
  • Costanza, Frank.  "A Century of Community Service:  Patchogue Chapter of the Knights of Columbus Marks 100th Anniversary."  Long Island Advance, May 15, 2003:  pp. 3, 22.
  • Council History (Knights of Columbus.  Patchogue Council No. 725)
  • Golden Jubilee Pamphlet [1953]  (Patchogue Knights of Columbus; Patchogue-Medford Library.)
  • "Knights Mark 78 Years [captioned photo]. [Long Island Advance], October 24, 1981:  n.p.
  • Nolan, Mark.  "K of C Building Sold:  Patchogue Knights of Columbus Sell Historic Railorad Ave. Facility."  Long Island Advance, n.d.:  n.p.
  • Haber, Gary. "Patchogue Knights Of Columbus To Celebrate 120 Years." Long Island Advance, September 21, 2023: p. 7.
  • Patchogue Knights of Columbus # 725  (The Knights)

 --  Long Island Latino Teachers Association [LILTA]

  • LILTA (Long Island Latino Teacher's Association)

 --  Long Island Poetry Archival Arts Center (The Poetry Place)

 --  Masons, Ancient Order of Free and Accepted.  South Side Lodge, No. 493  [estab. 1860]

  • Newins, Robert D.  "The South Side Lidge of Masons One of the Strongest, 76 Years Old."  Patchogue Advance, October 16, 1936:  p. C 44.
  • "South Side Lodge, No. 493, F. and A.M. -- A Brief Historical Sketch of This Progressive Society."  Argus, July 1, 1898:  n.p.

---  Masonic Lodge Fire (1974)

  • "After a Fire Destroyed the Masonic Lodge November 7, 1974, the Island State Bank Purchased and Built This Drive-In Bank Teller Facility" [captioned photo, courtesy Hans Henke] (From the Archives of the Long Island Advance).  Long Island Advance, n.d.:  n.p. 

---  Masonic Temple Shooting (2004)

  • Bruchey, Samuel.  "Death at the Masonic Lodge."  Newsday, March 10, 2004:  pp. A 1, A 3, A 55.
  • Mallia, Joseph.  Freemasons Under Scrutiny:  Secret Societies."  Newsday, March 21, 2004:  pp. A 2, A 20.
  • Masonic Lodge is Suspended After Shooting, by Patrick Healy (N.Y. / Region.  The New York Times, March 15, 2004)
  • Sen, Indrani.  "State Group Begins Probe:  Masonic Lodge Suspended:  LI Club Where Man was Shot Dead During Initiation Rite Wasn't Following Mason Rules, Says Grand Master" (Top of the News).  Newsday, March 15, 2004:  p. A 7.  

--  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.  Patchogue Branch

--  Patchogue Ambulance Company

 --  Patchogue Arts Council

 --  Patchogue Board of Trade  (predecessor of the Greater Patchogue Chamber of Commerce)

  • "Patchogue's New Board of Trade:  Officers, List of Present Members and Committees that have been Appointed in the New Organization; Members Optomistic of Patchogue's Future -- Hope to Do Something that Will Help Advance the Progress of Prosperity of the Village -- Want Large Membership and Co-operation of All Citizens and Officials."  Patchogue Advance, Patchogue Progress Edition, August 14, 1914:  pp. 1, 4.            

 --  Patchogue Cemetery Restoration Committee [CRC]

  • About the CRC  (Incorporated Village of Patchogue.  Patchogue Cemetery Restoration Committee) - See also the link for the Burial Index (Lakeview and Waverly Avenue Cems.)

 --  Patchogue Choral Society

  • Second Concert of the Patchogue Choral Society, John C. Dempsey, Conductor.  Wednesday Evening, June 11, 1902, Assisted by, Mrs. Eva Gardner Coleman, Soprano.  Miss Florence Mulford, Contralto.  Mrs. Charles P. Johnson, Tenor.  Mr. John Dempsey, Basso.  Mr. W.H. Alling, Accompanist.  Patchogue, NY:  Advance Press, [1902].

 --  Patchogue Civic Association

  • Hartmann, Sarah.  "Working Together for the Common Good:  New Patchogue Civic Association is Organized and Issue-Ready."  Long Island Advance, February 7, 2008:  pp. 3, 13.

 --  Patchogue Fire Department

 --  Patchogue Garden Club

 --  Patchogue Hebrew Mutual Aid Society / Patchogue Hebrew Alliance League

  • "The Patchogue Hebrew Mutual Aid Association of the Village of Patchogue, has been chartered by the Secretary of State..." (Patchogue).  Suffolk County News, November 30, 1906:  p. 1.
  • "A number of leading Hebrews in town have formed an association known as the Patchogue Hebrew Alliance League to promote the general welfare of the Jewish community here..." (Patchogue).  Suffolk County News, December 13, 1912:  p. 2.
  • "Drue-Mencer" [wedding reception].  Suffolk County News, May 7, 1915:  p. 1.
  • "Patchogue Alliance 10 Years Old."  Suffolk County News, March 2, 1923:  p. 1.
  • "Twenty ear-phones have been donated to as many bedridden patients of the Suffolk Tuberculosis Sanitorium, by the Patchogue Hebrew Alliance of Patchogue, so the paients may enjoy radio programs." [full text].  Port Jefferson Echo, July 23, 1925:  p. 4. 

 --  Patchogue Italian Band

  • LaGumina, Salvatore John.  "Band Organizations."  In  From Steerage to Suburb:  Long Island Italians.  New York:  Center for Migration Studies, 1988, repr.  1990:  p. 98. 

 --  Patchogue Lions Club

  • Patchogue's Annual Lions Club 4th Of July Parade: The First 25 Years (1947-1972) (Celia M. Hastings Local History Room, Patchogue-Medford Library)
  • LaMonica, Barbara.  "The Butler Did It -- Or Was It the Waitress?"  Suffolk Life, 39(3) January 20, 1999:  p. 10.
  • "Lions Paint Railroad Depot, End Up on TV; 'Clean Up' Proceeds." [Patchogue Advance], May 11, 1950:  n.p.
  • "A Presidential History of the Lions"  [captioned photo].  Main Street Press, May 23, 1985:  p. 3.
  • Curry, Brian. "Patchogue Lions Club Celebrates 75th Anniversary Of Charter At Past President Night." Long Island Advance, May 26, 2022: p.19.
  • Welcome (Patchogue Lions Club)

 --  Patchogue Lioness Club

  • Patchogue Lioness Club [1 p. capsule history]
  • "Patchogue Lioness Club Forms."  Long Island Advance, June 14, 1984:  p. 20 A.
  • Haber, Gary. "A Ruby Anniversary For Patchogue Lioness Lions Club." Long Island Advance, September 21, 2023: p. 14.
  • Patchogue Lioness Lions Club, New York - United States (The Club) - 1st photograph in the "Photo Gallery" section is of the organization's charter 

 --  Patchogue-Medford Council of Teachers

 --  Patchogue-Medford Youth & Community Services

  • Patchogue-Medford Youth & Community Services (PMYCS)
  • Sgroi, Nicole. "Lending A Helping Hand To Locals." Long Island Advance, May 26, 2022: p.27.
  • Fuentes, Nicole.  "PMYS Gets New Director."  Long Island Advance, June 22, 2023: p. 16.

 --  Patchogue Sorosis

  • Patchogue Sorosis: The Early Years, 1897-1921, comp. by Mark Rothenberg. (Patchogue-Medford Library. Celia M. Hastings Local History Room)
  • "75 Years Ago" (Notes from the Old Files).  Long Island Advance, November 23, 1972:  n.p.
  • "Patchogue Sorosis:  Met Monday Night and Adopted Constitution and By-Laws.  Discusses the New Club and Some Things to Eat -- The President, Mrs. Wilmot Smith, Tells What the Club is to Be."  Patchogue Advance, December 10, 1897:  p. 1
  • "Patchogue Sorosis Holds a High Place in Women's Circles:  Story of Organization Since Beginning in 1897 -- Club Occupies Fine Rooms in Uptown Building -- Mrs. Wilmot M. Smith Founder -- History Sketched."  [Patchogue Advance], October 16, 1936:  n.p. 
  • Smith, Mrs. Wilmot.  "Statement from Sorosis."  Argus, March 13, 1908:  n.p.
  • "Sorosis Luncheon '40th Birthday':  Mrs. Smith, Founder, and Other Officials, Honored:  Patchogue Women's Club has had Long, Active Career -- Long Island Club Federation Representatives Take Part in Program."  [Patchogue Advance?], December 17, 1937:  pp. 1, 2.
  • "Theatricals by Sorosis.  Patchogue Amateurs Produce a Musical Melange Coached by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dixie:  Dewey One of the Characters; Mrs. Wilmot M. Smith and Other South Side Enthusiasts Score a Brilliant Success."  Brooklyn Eagle, July 30, 1899:  p. 34.
  • "This Busy Village."  Patchogue Advance, December 10, 1897:  p. 7, col. 1.
  • What Sorosis is Doing."  Patchogue Advance, January 6, 1899:  p. 1.

 --  Patchogue Stamp & Coin Club

  • Official Program, Fourth Annual Stamp and Coin Exhibition of the Patchogue Stamp and Coin Club, June 29th and 30th, 1968
  • Official Program, Sixth Annual Stamp and Coin Exhibition of the Patchogue Stamp and Coin Club, October 17th and 18th, 1970

 --  Patchogue Wheelmen

  • Bayles, Thomas R.  "Bicycling in 1894" (Reader's Forum).  Long Island Forum, 134(10) October 1971:  p. 208.  
    Bayles, Thomas R.  "Bicycling in 1896."  Long Island Forum, 134(12) December 1971:  252-253.
  • "Latest Long Island News:  Veterans and the Eagle Cup Divide Attention in Patchogue.  Many Entries of Fast Riders.  Great Day for the Wheelmen of Suffolk County -- Three Strong Teams to Compete in the Five mile Race  -- Over One Hundred Entries in Twelve Events -- Women's Christian Temperance Convention." Brooklyn Eagle, May 30, 1895:  p. 7.
  • "100 Years Ago" (Taken from the Files of the Long Island Advance).  Long Island Advance, May 16, 16, 1996:  p. 3.
  • Patchogue Wheelmen, by Thomas R. Bayles (Longwood's Journey.  Footnotes to Long Island History)
  • "The Race Meet.  Many Entries of Well Known Fast Riders.  Special Features, Elegant Prizes and a Fine Track Add to the Expectation of a Great Day Next Monday."  Patchogue Advance, May 28, 1897:  p. 1.

 --  Patchogue Youth Athletic Association

  • 1983 P.Y.A.A. Journal (33rd Year).
  • Stankovich, Jordan.  "PYAA Celebrates With Nighthawks Fastpitch Girls Team." Long Island Advance, August 18, 2022: p. 16, 19.

 --  Peer Outreach with Evening Recreation [POWER}

  • o'Neill, Kevin.  Support Program:  Group Offers Help, Friendship to Poor."  The Record, November 1, 1990:  p. 5.

 --  Pilot Club of Patchogue

  • Pilot Club of Patchogue (The Club)
  • Fuentes, Nicole.  "Patchogue Pilot Club Turns 60." Long Island Advance, October 27, 2022: p. 3.

 --  Rotary International.  Rotary Club of Patchogue

  • Cozine, Nancy.  "Windowpanes."  Long island Advance, November 29, 1984:  p. 25
  • Rotary Club of Patchogue (The Club)
  • Leuzzi, Linda.  "Some Like It Hot:  Patchogue Rotary Fashion Show Sizzles with Over 300."  Long Island Advance, February 15, 2007:  16.
  • Molloy, Kevin.  "Cow Chip Classic a First on L.I."  Long Island Advance, May 20, 1971:  p. 2.
  • "Patchogue Rotary Club Celebrates Its 50th Anniversary."  Suffolk Life, February 6, 1985:  pp. 2-3 A.

 --  Royal Arcanum.  Paumanake Council, No. 78

  • "Paumanake Council, 78, Royal Arcanum, of Patchogue, a Firmly Established Society."  Argus, July 1, 1898:  n.p.

 --  Royal Arch Masons.  Suwassett Chapter, No. 195

  • "Suwassett Chapter, 195, R.A.M. -- A Most Progressive Society -- An Historical Sketch of It." Argus, July 1, 1898:  n.p.

 --  Shepherds of America.  Sanctuary Suffolk, No. 6

  • "Sanctuary Suffolk, No. 6, Shepherds of America, of Patchogue, A Progressive Society."  Argus, July 1, 1898:  n.p.

 --  Sons and Daughters of Liberty

  • "75 Years Ago" (From the Archives of the Long Island Advance).  Long Island Advance, April 1, 2004:  p. 28.

 --  Sons of Italy.  John A. Prudenti Lodge

  • "New Sons of Italy Lodge to Organize Wednesday."  Patchogue Advance, February 15, 1979:  n.p.

 --  Suffolk County United Veterans

 --  Suffolk Flying Club

  • "Form Suffolk Flying Club:  Aviation Enthusiasts Meet at Patchogue to Form Group."  New York Times, n.d.:  n.p.

 --  La Union Hispanica

  • Breuer, Howard.  "Nutrition Porgram Changes Hands:  La Union Hispanica Enraged After Cohalan Cancels Contract."  Long Island Advance, June 26, 1986:  p. 3
  • Breuer, Howard.  "La Union Hispanica Under Fire:  Cohalan Heeds Seniors' Request After Firing at Patchogue Nutrition Center."  Long Island Advance, June 12, 1986:  pp. 3, 29, 39.
  • Moreno, Sylvia.  "Troubled Social Agncy Fires Chief."  Newsday, January 20, 1981:  p. 23.

 --  Unity Coalition

  • Nolan, Mark.  "Promoting Community Unity:  Free Event to Celebrate Patchogue's Diversity."  Long Island Advance, April 6, 2009:  p. 8.

 --  U.S.  Department of the Interior.  National Park Service.  Fire Island National Seashore

 --  Veterans of Foreign Wars [VFW].  Department New York.  Jayne-Lattin Post, # 2913

  • History (Veterans of Foreign Wars. Department New York. Post 2913 [The Jayne-Lattin Post]) 
  • The Patchogue-Medford Library Salutes the VFW on Its Centennial  (Patchogue-Medford Library.  Celia M. Hastings Local History Room)
  • "VFW Celebrates Fiftieth Anniversary."  Long Island Advance, September 5, 1996:  p. 12.

 --  Woman's Club of Patchogue, Inc.

  • Woman's Club of Patchogue
  • Amon, Rhoda.  Ladies Who Still Lunch...and Give Scholarships and Build Gazebos and Organize Thrift Shops and Rescue Trees and Publish Cookbooks -- and Above All, Seek Recruits for LI's Women's Clubs; Members of the Club (LI Life).  Newsday, April 2, 2000:  pp. G1, G12-G14.
  • Leuzzi, Linda.  "A Woman's Club that's 80 Years Young:  Woman's Club of Patchogue Celebrates Longevity and a Mayor."  Long Island Advance, November 18, 2010:  n.p.
  • Leuzzi, Linda.  "The Years Have Passed, But The Bonds Endure."  Long Island Advance, March 11, 2021: pp. 1, 5.
  • "Our Beginning."  (Woman's Club of Patchogue)
  • "Past Presidents."  (Woman's Club of Patchogue)
  • Women's Clubs of Patchogue and Medford [directory] (Woman's Club of Patchogue)

 --  YMCA

  • Brookhaven Roe YMCA Building a New and Better [flier]  (The YMCA)
  • ":Since Its Beginning in 1891, 'Y' Brings Back Memories,"  Long Island Advance, October 12, 1978:  pp. 12-13.
  • "'Y' Breaks Ground on $800-G Center."  Long Island Advance, June 16, 1977:  pp. 1, 19.
  • "'Y' Family Center Open House Sun."  Long Island Advance, October 12, 1978:  pp. 10-11.
  • "YMCA History."  Main Street News, October 17, 1991:  p. 2.
  • "YMCA Marks National Anniversary."  Long Island Advance, February 1, 1979:  n.p.